In a previous post (A Whole Lotta Not Much), I mentioned briefly that I like to make height charts for baby shower gifts. When I first started, guests (and sometimes the receiving mom) were perplexed and underwhelmed and I felt a bit disappointed. Especially amongst the adorable baby clothes and accessories! But, after repeatedly hearing from moms 3, 5 and 8 years later how much they and their kids love them, I am satisfied with this great gift.
I’ve always used wooden boards, but I now have some friends in other states and I don’t want to ship a board to them – particularly to Alaska! So I have experimented with one that should travel better. I used marine vinyl as the base and Sharpies to decorate it. Cutting the vinyl was easy, but I’m not sure if I think it looks cheap and tacky. And I did not realize that the Sharpie ink can transfer to other parts of the vinyl if you over lap them when they aren’t completely dry. O.o
Here is my first one!
I like painting better than drawing…