{this moment} – A [Sunday] ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. As inspired by Collecting the Moments … One by One and SouleMama
Monthly Archives: June 2013
I did not take any photos this week (June 17-23)!
So, here’s a quick update on Robin: After being weaned from his big medicines, he had another sedated Echocardiogram and a chest x-ray. The Cardiologist saw no more signs of hypertension in his lungs or heart and no significant ASD. He is considered ‘typical’ now! The Pulmonologist still saw some foggy shadows and a little bit of chest retractions, but Robin is gaining weight and maintains his oxygen blood saturation so he is considered ‘typical, but watching’. We’ll go back to see the Pulmonologist in October to see if we want to give Robin the synagis shots again to keep him from getting RSV.
Everything is going great! He is on the height and weight charts for his age (less than 10%, but he’s on the chart now!). He is still seeing a feeding team, but I think he’s doing fine with that – they’re just making sure he continues to progress through all the eating development he needs to.
Robin is enjoying standing on his own – what a neat trick! One of his cousins gave him a fire truck with a walker handle on the back and he thinks its so cool to push that around the house. Or kitchen chairs. No words yet, but he has started TALKING REALLY LOUDLY TO THE CATS. It’s all gibberish, but he has a great deal to say, at big volumes.
welp, next week should will have a photo!
{this moment} – A [Sunday] ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. As inspired by Collecting the Moments … One by One and SouleMama
So, a long time ago, I was working on Chapter 9: Organize Your Files. I was in the midst of scanning and recycling things – I made progress on old letters, manuals, and recipes. I never said, but I finished my file organizing! Now, all I have are four files that I keep on my office tray and use immediately after getting paperwork to file. I think I felt like I wasn’t done, because there is still a drawer of files, but I am letting those go since they are my husbands. I do not need to worry about them!
I had reviewed how I already have Chapters 10, 11, and 12 done and was ready to start on the next section “Organize Your Things” with Chapter 13: Organize Your Child’s Toys. This chapter has components that really should be done all year – like discussing the importance of sharing and donating; and, although the author Jennifer Ford Berry doesn’t specifically state it, directly teaching about “enough” and “need” rather than acquisition and consumption; as well as being cognizant of the types of toys available (imaginative rather than … the opposite). I like the idea of sorting through toys before Christmas, but since it’s June I am settling for scheduling that as an annual chore in my calendar. Other than that, I feel we have a good handle on toys – Robin is only a year old so we don’t have that many! 😀 One large basket holds his ‘hard’ toys and another large basket holds his ‘soft’ toys. That is a random segregation, but the stuffed animals take up a lot of space and he doesn’t play with them that often. This chapter has a lot of great ideas for when the kids get older and toys more numerous and complicated – I’ll be referring back to it as Robin gets older!
I did decide to split his toys in half for rotation, though. I loosely filled his accustomed toy basket and put the rest in his second basket in the basement. I took some of the more developmentally advanced ones out and hope that when I reintroduce them, they’ll be novel enough he tries more things with them other than clicking them together.
I didn’t like most of the freezer meals I made at the beginning of the year, so I stopped doing it. But we are over spending and over eating and this was so helpful in minimizing that. So, I’m looking for new recipes.
In a previous post, I also wrote about how I was going digital with my cook book. But, now that I’m out looking at recipes, I end up having to copy-paste them line-by-line into my current cookbook. AND, when I want to calculate their calories and other macro nutrient contents, I’ll have to copy-paste them into a different recipe aggregate. BLAH. I am not happy with this. But I don’t want to pay for a service that does it all.
Anyone have an alternative?