I did not take any photos this week (June 17-23)!
So, here’s a quick update on Robin: After being weaned from his big medicines, he had another sedated Echocardiogram and a chest x-ray. The Cardiologist saw no more signs of hypertension in his lungs or heart and no significant ASD. He is considered ‘typical’ now! The Pulmonologist still saw some foggy shadows and a little bit of chest retractions, but Robin is gaining weight and maintains his oxygen blood saturation so he is considered ‘typical, but watching’. We’ll go back to see the Pulmonologist in October to see if we want to give Robin the synagis shots again to keep him from getting RSV.
Everything is going great! He is on the height and weight charts for his age (less than 10%, but he’s on the chart now!). He is still seeing a feeding team, but I think he’s doing fine with that – they’re just making sure he continues to progress through all the eating development he needs to.
Robin is enjoying standing on his own – what a neat trick! One of his cousins gave him a fire truck with a walker handle on the back and he thinks its so cool to push that around the house. Or kitchen chairs. No words yet, but he has started TALKING REALLY LOUDLY TO THE CATS. It’s all gibberish, but he has a great deal to say, at big volumes.
welp, next week should will have a photo!
{this moment} – A [Sunday] ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. As inspired by Collecting the Moments … One by One and SouleMama