So, a long time ago, I was working on Chapter 9: Organize Your Files. I was in the midst of scanning and recycling things – I made progress on old letters, manuals, and recipes. I never said, but I finished my file organizing! Now, all I have are four files that I keep on my office tray and use immediately after getting paperwork to file. I think I felt like I wasn’t done, because there is still a drawer of files, but I am letting those go since they are my husbands. I do not need to worry about them!
I had reviewed how I already have Chapters 10, 11, and 12 done and was ready to start on the next section “Organize Your Things” with Chapter 13: Organize Your Child’s Toys. This chapter has components that really should be done all year – like discussing the importance of sharing and donating; and, although the author Jennifer Ford Berry doesn’t specifically state it, directly teaching about “enough” and “need” rather than acquisition and consumption; as well as being cognizant of the types of toys available (imaginative rather than … the opposite). I like the idea of sorting through toys before Christmas, but since it’s June I am settling for scheduling that as an annual chore in my calendar. Other than that, I feel we have a good handle on toys – Robin is only a year old so we don’t have that many! 😀 One large basket holds his ‘hard’ toys and another large basket holds his ‘soft’ toys. That is a random segregation, but the stuffed animals take up a lot of space and he doesn’t play with them that often. This chapter has a lot of great ideas for when the kids get older and toys more numerous and complicated – I’ll be referring back to it as Robin gets older!
I did decide to split his toys in half for rotation, though. I loosely filled his accustomed toy basket and put the rest in his second basket in the basement. I took some of the more developmentally advanced ones out and hope that when I reintroduce them, they’ll be novel enough he tries more things with them other than clicking them together.