I’m sitting in the quiet house, letting both my loves sleep a little longer while I search other mama blogs about household notebooks. One blogger mama, at Collecting the Moments … One by One, inspired by another (SouleMama) has been posting a photo of special moments each Friday. I like this idea very much! Especially in contrast to the chaos I’m struggling to master. It is all too easy to be wrapped up in coaxing order into our lives amongst the daily and hourly tasks that seem like chores, that I miss what I am really doing is caring for my baby! Being a mommy! Its sad that I need to consciously remind myself to be open to the wonder. BUT! If I need a reminder, I’ll use a reminder! So, I plan on following in their example and I will be paying attention to my family thinking not only how to manage my anxiety by organizing things, but to also see how things are wonderful just as they are right this moment. Except I’ll do it on Sundays. And without text as their caption (and soon-to-be-mine) will explain. 😀
But, just because: