I turned my electric Elna Grasshopper into a treadle table sewing machine. Well, I didn’t use it very much until we moved into our new home and found out quickly that leaving the flywheel brake on the machine was silly. So I removed it. Here are some photos – mostly incase I ever decide to put it back on the machine!
First, I disconnected the machine from the table top and turned it over.
Remove the engine casing (engine is already gone).
Notice that the knee-brake rod maintains its tension against the flywheel through the spring held to the rod via an inset screw and against the machine through a hole.
Notice, specifically, the turns of the spring and the location of the spring screws in case I want to put it back on someday.
Loosen the spring screw on the knee-brake rod, remove rod from the other side of the machine. Neglect to photograph any of that.
Screw machine back to the table top. Resume sewing.