This is a brief introduction to Tasker post. Talented and knowledgeable people have already written excellent tutorials on starting with Tasker. Here I will list links to the sites I use the most frequently for help, as well as the links to the plugins I am using.
Reddit has a comprehensive list of links (which is why I’m not attempting to duplicate it here) and an active and supportive community for people already seriously trying their best.
Pocketable articles by Andreas Ødegård. I started with these articles and, while many of the articles are focused on the older version of Tasker, they still have a great deal of basic information and follows a nice progression of difficulty for the beginner’s exploration.
The Tasker Wiki has been setup by the developer for users to share their profiles. I actually have rarely found them to suit my needs. Primarily, because I found it after I started to get the hang of things.
The Userguide is comprehensive and … brief. It is a nice list with descriptions of nearly everything maintained by the developer. Now that I’m more proficient, I find I am using this guide much more frequently but it was challenging at first.
Google Group and G+ group are both active and cover the gamut of bare beginner and wizard adepts. It also covers the gamut of personality types.
APPS and PLUGINS (currently used):
Tasker: the base of all the greatness. $2.99 (I think?) But vastly worth more in entertainment alone than a movie.
AutoApps: This group of plugins can be bought individually, but a yearly subscription is well worth the price for the fun and functionality! Individually they run about $2. These plugins allow for more automation without rooting your device.
Spreadsheet Tasker Plugin: love spreadsheets? You need this plugin!
KWGT or KLWP: these widget and wallpaper creators let you use data that Tasker collects or to trigger Tasker tasks. Yet another fun way to customize your smartphone.